This release note describes enhancements and fixes for EROAD 360 Version 25.1. Unless otherwise indicated, changes apply to all users.
What's New in This Release?
What's New in This Release?
Feature Enhancements:
Auto-assign driver group access to the user who created the group
Uncertified Driver Logs Report enhancements
Create new Sysco vehicle types
Fixed Issues:
Inconsistent listing of available drivers in driver groups
Duplication issue in driver group access assignment
Implement database auditing for geofences
Filter based on driver group not working in Elasticsearch-enabled companies
Update circle to polygon issue in Elasticsearch-enabled companies
Environment | Pre-Production | Production |
Proposed Date | To come |
Proposed Time |
Deployment Duration |
Expected Downtime |
Feature Enhancements
The following enhancements were completed for this release.
Auto-Assign Driver Group Access to the User Who Created the Group (DFT-124)
Previously, users would create new driver groups but could not access the groups to manage driver access and run reports. An administrator would need to create and assign the driver groups to them. Now, users creating new driver groups are automatically assigned access to the groups so they can manage them.
Uncertified Driver Logs Report Enhancements (DFT-166, DFT-167)
For returning employees (rehires, leaves of absence), the Uncertified Driver Logs Report now filters out irrelevant logs that are dated before their (re)activation dates, provided no ELD events occurred. Log filtering occurs for logs dated from the last activation date to the (re)activation date. To avoid compliance gaps, we retain valid uncertified logs prior to the last activation date.
Additionally, to address concerns related to managing drivers on leave of absence: these drivers do not appear on the Uncertified Driver Logs Report, ensuring accurate reporting.
The equivalent enhancements for the Uncertified Driver Logs dashboard are planned for a future release.
Create New Sysco Vehicle Types (VMT-474)
We added and mapped additional vehicle types in Vehicle Manager: Utility, Beverage Van, Utility/Pickup, Passenger Van, Refrigeration Van, and Dry Van. After syncing, any vehicle with these vehicle types will show up in Drive with the correct vehicle type.
Fixed Issues
The following issues were fixed for this release.
Inconsistent Listing of Available Drivers in Driver Groups (DFT-87)
An issue with managing driver groups in the Driver Manager > General Settings > Groups tab has been resolved. Previously, in Add Driver Group > Driver and Edit Driver Group > Driver, the Available Driver list did not display all the drivers actually available. This error has been corrected, and now all available drivers are displayed based on the user's driver group access permissions.
Duplication Issue in Driver Group Access Assignment (DFT-570)
We resolved an issue where duplicate driver group records were created if a user repeatedly clicked Save while adding or editing driver group access. This was fixed so that multiple saves cannot occur, ensuring duplicate records are no longer created.
Implement Database Auditing for Geofences (CDT 2008)
To improve traceability for auditing purposes, we can now capture production database changes and safely manage impact in production when database changes occur. We achieve this capability through table triggers, which enable us to know who, when, and what changes are being made to the databases. This auditing tool was implemented for geofences.
Filter Based on Driver Group Not Working in Elasticsearch-Enabled Companies (CDT360-1390)
Driver Groups and Primary Driver Group IDs were not properly updating when assigning driver groups to drivers (Driver Manager > Edit Driver > Driver Group). Additionally, the Driver Group filter on the Driver Manager page was not working as expected. Driver group filter queries to Elasticsearch were updated to correctly filter the groups.
Update Circle to Polygon Issue in Elasticsearch-Enabled Companies (CDT360-1490)
When a circular geofence is converted to a polygon, all entry and exit radius entries in Elasticsearch will now be removed.