Use Vehicle Manager to update vehicle information. Vehicle Management permissions required.
βTo edit a vehicle's profile:
1. Go to Vehicles > Vehicle Manager.
2. On the vehicle management screen, select a vehicle, and then select Edit Vehicle. Or, double-click the vehicle.
The Edit Vehicle window displays.
3. Within the General, Settings, Fleet Management, and Drivers tabs, update the applicable data.
4. (Optional) Select Alerting > Add Alert Plan to create a customized alert plan for this vehicle.
You can also edit a vehicle's existing alert plan or remove an alert plan.
5. (Optional) Select Locations (if available) to register this vehicle with a geofence for monitoring purposes. Select and drag the applicable geofence or geofence group from the Available Location (Groups) list to the Install Locations list.
6. (Optional) Select Service to add (or remove) the vehicle from a service plan.
Note: This assumes you have previously created one or more service plans as described in Create a service plan.
7. Select Save.
You have updated this vehicle's profile.